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District 17 (Middlesex and Somerset)
District 18 (Middlesex)
Requires State Police to establish maternity policy for troopers.
As introduced.
An Act concerning law enforcement and supplementing Title 53 of the Revised Statutes
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. a. The Superintendent of State Police shall establish a maternity policy applicable to State troopers who present proof of pregnancy. At a minimum, the maternity leave policy established pursuant to this section shall:
(1) establish at least eight weeks of continuous maternity recovery leave after giving birth, with full pay and benefits, without the recovery leave being considered sick leave or deducted from sick leave balances; and
(2) not subject a trooper to residency restrictions or integrity checks, which may be applicable to sick or other medical leave, during the period of maternity recovery leave.
b. The superintendent shall make available information concerning the maternity policy established pursuant to this section on the intranet website maintained by the Division of State Police. The information shall include, at a minimum, applicable policies and forms that are required to be completed before and after a period of recovery leave is taken; frequently asked questions; and contact information that allows a trooper to inquire about the division’s maternity policy.
2. This act shall take effect immediately
This bill requires the Superintendent of State Police to establish a maternity policy applicable to troopers who present proof of pregnancy. The bill requires the maternity leave policy, at a minimum, to:
(1) establish at least eight weeks of continuous recovery leave after giving birth, with full pay and benefits, without the recovery leave being considered sick leave or deducted from sick leave balances; and
(2) not subject a trooper to residency restrictions or integrity checks, which may be applicable to sick or other medical leave, during the period of maternity recovery leave.
Under the bill, the superintendent is required to make available information concerning the maternity policy on the intranet maintained by the Division of State Police. The information is required to include, at a minimum, applicable policies and forms that are required to be completed before and after a period of maternity recovery leave is taken; frequently asked questions; and contact information that allows a trooper to inquire about the division’s maternity policy.