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District 32 (Hudson)
Directs BPU to establish rebate program for purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment.
As introduced.
An Act concerning lawn equipment and supplementing Title 48 of the Revised Statutes.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. a. Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation, or order to the contrary, beginning with the next comprehensive resource analysis conducted pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection a. of section 12 of P.L.1999, c.23 (C.48:3-60) following the date of enactment of this section, the board shall establish a program to provide rebates to residents and businesses for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment. In establishing the program, the board shall take into consideration the environmental benefits of reducing the use of gas-powered lawn equipment in the State.
b. The board shall determine the appropriate level of funding from the societal benefits charge for the rebate program, and shall calculate the dollar amount of individual rebates, to be offered to residents and businesses thereunder, based on the sale price of the zero-emission lawn equipment purchased thereby. The rebate amount offered shall be calculated as follows:
(1) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing $250 or less, the rebate amount shall equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $50, whichever is less;
(2) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing more than $250, but less than $500, the rebate amount shall equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $100, whichever is less; and
(3) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing more than $500, the rebate amount shall equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $150, whichever is less.
c. The board shall adopt, pursuant to the “Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this act. An eligible purchaser of zero-emission lawn equipment may apply for a rebate under the program established pursuant to this section, in a form and manner prescribed by the board in the rules or regulations adopted pursuant to this subsection. The board shall advertise the availability of rebates offered pursuant to this section, in the same manner in which it advertises the availability of incentives for the purchase of energy efficient appliances through the New Jersey Clean Energy Program.
d. As used in this section:
“Board” means the Board of Public Utilities.
“Gas-powered lawn equipment” means lawn equipment that uses gasoline or a gasoline and oil blend as fuel.
“Lawn equipment” means equipment that is used for, or intended to be used for, the mowing of grass, the cutting or chipping of trees, tree roots, or tree branches, or the clearing of leaves or other vegetation from lawns, sidewalks, public streets or public highways. “Lawn equipment” shall include, but not be limited to, lawn mowers and lawn mower attachments, lawn edgers, leaf blowers, leaf vacuums, mulchers, chippers, pruners, trimmers, chainsaws, power washers, and snow blowers.
“Zero-emission lawn equipment” means lawn equipment that is powered by a battery, fuel cell, or other means of energy production that does not result in the emission of carbon dioxide.
2. This act shall take effect immediately.
This bill would direct the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to establish a rebate program, for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment, using funding obtained through the societal benefits charge. In establishing the rebate program, the BPU would be directed to take into consideration the environmental benefits of reducing the use of gas-powered lawn equipment in the State.
The bill would further require the BPU to determine the appropriate level of funding for the rebate program, and to additionally calculate the dollar amount of the individual rebates, issued thereunder, based on the sale price of the zero-emission lawn equipment device purchased by residents or businesses, as follows:
(1) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing $250 or less, the amount of the rebate is to equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $50, whichever is less;
(2) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing $500 or less, the amount of the rebate is to equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $100, whichever is less; and
(3) for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment costing over $500, the amount of the rebate is to equal 25 percent of the cost of the device or $150, whichever is less.
The BPU would be required to advertise the availability of rebates, being offered under the program, in the same manner in which it advertises the availability of incentives for the purchase of energy efficient appliances through the New Jersey Clean Energy Program.