Sponsored by:
Assemblywoman ANDREA KATZ
District 8 (Atlantic and Burlington)
Assemblyman ROY FREIMAN
District 16 (Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset)
District 12 (Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean)
Co-Sponsored by:
Assemblymen Wimberly, Atkins, Assemblywomen Bagolie, Dunn, Matsikoudis, Assemblymen Conaway, Inganamort, Assemblywomen Drulis, Peterpaul, Assemblymen Scharfenberger, Clifton, Assemblywomen Donlon and Quijano
Honors 40th anniversary of Jersey Fresh program.
As introduced.
A Concurrent Resolution honoring the 40th anniversary of the Jersey Fresh program.
Whereas, New Jersey’s agricultural and food production, processing, and distribution industries are critical to promoting food accessibility for New Jersey residents; and
Whereas, Agriculture serves a key role in New Jersey’s economy by helping to reduce municipal taxes, increase property values, and generate significant revenue for the State; and
Whereas, In 1984, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (the department) established the Jersey Fresh program, the first in the nation state-sponsored agricultural commodity marketing and quality grading program, to promote State agriculture; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program identifies locally grown produce with a distinct Jersey Fresh label to enable consumers to easily distinguish New Jersey produce from other produce in the marketplace; and
Whereas, In addition, the program’s quality grading program requires Jersey Fresh produce to meet U.S. No. 1 Fresh for Processing grade or better; and
Whereas, Together with its quality assurance, the Jersey Fresh program guarantees that produce labeled as Jersey Fresh was freshly harvested in New Jersey at its peak ripeness, was inspected, and is of high quality; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program promotes New Jersey’s produce industry, and specifically family-owned New Jersey farms, through marketing campaigns that advertise locally grown produce and inform consumers of what produce is in season; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program’s two-pronged marketing and quality grading approach has increased New Jersey consumers’ awareness of, and willingness to purchase, locally harvested produce; and
Whereas, Consumer recognition of Jersey Fresh products has extended beyond the State to the mid-Atlantic and New England markets and, in 2020, was on par with that of other major national brands; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program serves as a national model for other state-sponsored agricultural branding programs; and
Whereas, New Jersey produces over 100 types of fruits and vegetables and is nationally ranked as a top 10 producer of blueberries, peaches, bell peppers, squash, tomatoes, and cranberries; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program has expanded across the State and is available in all 21 counties, including at over 2,000 On-Farm Markets run by local New Jersey farmers, community farmers markets, major retail stores, wineries, breweries, and distilleries; and
Whereas, The Jersey Fresh program’s popularity and demonstrated success in the produce industry has given rise to similar programs, including the Made with Jersey Fresh program, which identifies processed food made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients; the Jersey Grown program, which advertises New Jersey grown plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers; the Jersey Raised program, which markets livestock raised in New Jersey; and the Jersey Seafood program, which promotes aquacultured and wild-caught fish and seafood products harvested off of New Jersey’s coast; and
Whereas, The Legislature of the State of New Jersey honors 40 years of the Jersey Fresh program’s continued innovation and success in promoting locally harvested produce, supporting family owned farms in New Jersey, and increasing consumers’ awareness of and access to New Jersey grown, quality produce; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey (the Senate concurring):
1. The Legislature of the State of New Jersey honors the 40th anniversary of the Jersey Fresh program.
2. Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly or the Secretary of the Senate to the Secretary of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and the President of the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture.
This concurrent resolution honors the 40th anniversary of the Jersey Fresh program. The agricultural industry is critical to ensuring New Jersey residents have access to healthy food and plays a key role in the State’s economy by helping to keep property taxes low, increase property values, and garner State revenue. In 1984, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture established the Jersey Fresh program, the first in the nation state-sponsored agricultural commodity marketing and quality grading program, to promote the State’s agricultural industry. The Jersey Fresh program helps support family owned farms across New Jersey through its marketing campaigns that inform shoppers of what produce is in season and encourage consumers to shop local. The Jersey Fresh program’s distinct label placed on locally harvested produce assists consumers easily differentiate fruits and vegetables grown in New Jersey from other produce in the marketplace.
The Jersey Fresh program encourages consumers to purchase locally grown produce through its quality and freshness guarantees. Specifically, the Jersey Fresh quality grading program requires Jersey Fresh produce to meet U.S. No. 1 Fresh for Processing grade or better. With this added quality assurance, the Jersey Fresh label guarantees that its produce was freshly harvested in New Jersey, has been inspected, and meets high quality standards.
The Jersey Fresh program has demonstrated success in increasing New Jersey consumers’ awareness of, and willingness to purchase, locally harvested produce. Consumer recognition of Jersey Fresh products has extended beyond the State to the mid-Atlantic and New England markets and, in 2020, was on par with that of other major national brands. Today, the Jersey Fresh program is recognized as a national model for other state-sponsored agricultural branding programs.
The Jersey Fresh program’s innovative marketing strategies have contributed to the program’s longevity and popularity. New Jersey produces over 100 types of fruits and vegetables and is nationally ranked in the top 10 producers of blueberries, peaches, bell peppers, squash, tomatoes, and cranberries. The Jersey Fresh program has expanded across the State and is available to New Jersey residents in every county, including at over 2,000 On-Farm Markets run by local New Jersey farmers, community farmers markets, major retail stores, wineries, breweries, and distilleries. The Jersey Fresh program’s popularity and demonstrated success has also inspired related programs modeled after the Jersey Fresh program, including the Made with Jersey Fresh program, which identifies processed food made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients; the Jersey Grown program, which advertises New Jersey grown plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers; the Jersey Raised program, which markets livestock raised in New Jersey; and the Jersey Seafood program, which promotes aquacultured and wild-caught fish and seafood products harvested off of New Jersey’s coast.