ASSEMBLY, No. 2804







Sponsored by:


District 6 (Burlington and Camden)

Assemblyman  CHRIS TULLY

District 38 (Bergen)


District 29 (Essex and Hudson)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblyman Freiman, Assemblywoman Murphy, Assemblyman Wimberly, Assemblywomen Speight, Swain and Assemblyman Sampson






     Requires DHS and State Board of Medical Examiners to develop and implement process to improve efficiency of reviewing NJ FamilyCare provider applications.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.


An Act concerning provider enrollment and supplementing Title 30 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


      1.   (New section)  Within 365 days of the effective date of this act, the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services in the Department of Human Services and the State Board of Medical Examiners shall develop and implement a process to improve the efficiency of reviewing NJ FamilyCare provider applications which shall include the State Board of Medical Examiners sharing relevant information with the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services regarding physician licensure applicants who indicate an intent to enroll as NJ FamilyCare providers, such that, at a minimum:

     a.     the State Board of Medical Examiners shall provide the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services with the applicant’s license number, within five days of issuing the applicant’s license number.  If the applicant is not approved for licensure, the State Board of Medical Examiners shall provide the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services with the appropriate documentation within five days of the determination; and

     b.    to the extent possible and in accordance with the documentation submitted with the NJ FamilyCare provider application, the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services shall immediately begin to process each NJ FamilyCare provider application upon receipt of the application, provided that the application contains the necessary licensure information or demonstrates that the applicant is pending licensure approval from the State Board of Medical Examiners.  Within 10 days of receiving an applicant’s license number from the State Board of Medical Examiners, the division shall notify an applicant in writing, if applicable, of any additional information or documentation required by the division to enroll the applicant as an approved NJ FamilyCare physician. 

     c.     The provisions of this act shall not be construed to alter the application requirements for State licensure or the enrollment requirements for a NJ FamilyCare provider, or to require the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services to approve an applicant for NJ FamilyCare provider enrollment before the division has received the National Provider Identifier number for the applicant.

     d.    As used in this act, “NJ FamilyCare” means the program established pursuant to P.L.2005, c.156 (C.30:4J-8 et al.), which includes the Medicaid program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.


     2.  This act shall take effect immediately.



     Under the bill, within 365 days of its effective date, the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (division) in the Department of Human Services and the State Board of Medical Examiners is required to develop and implement a process to improve the efficiency of reviewing NJ FamilyCare provider applications which is to include the State Board of Medical Examiners sharing relevant information with the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services regarding physician licensure applicants who indicate an intent to enroll as NJ FamilyCare providers.

      To effectuate this goal, at a minimum, the State Board of Medical Examiners is to provide the division with the applicant’s license number, within five days of issuing the license number to the applicant.  If the applicant is not approved for licensure, the bill directs the State Board of Medical Examiners to provide the division with the appropriate documentation within five days of the determination.

      Moreover, to the extent possible and in accordance with the documentation submitted with the NJ FamilyCare provider application, the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services is required to immediately begin to process each NJ FamilyCare provider application upon receipt of the application, provided that the application contains the necessary licensure information or demonstrates that the applicant is pending licensure approval from the State Board of Medical Examiners.  Within 10 days of receiving an applicant’s license number from the State Board of Medical Examiners, the division shall notify an applicant in writing, if applicable, of any additional information or documentation required by the division to enroll the applicant as an approved NJ FamilyCare physician.

      The bill explicitly provides that the provisions of the bill are not to be construed to alter the application requirements for State licensure or the enrollment requirements for a NJ FamilyCare provider, or to require the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services to approve an applicant for NJ FamilyCare provider enrollment before the division has received the National Provider Identifier number for the applicant.